It’s actually quite rare to find someone that is committed to making their life changed for the better. I mean we hear people all the time saying what they want to achieve and sharing their goals however, within a brief conversation with someone, you can tell where their commitment lies and in most cases, it is a “hopeful, someday” dream. The key element comes down to their commitment level. This can depend on how hard they are willing to work on improving their life? While sacrificing other areas such as entertainment, relaxation, and socializing.
It’s interesting when someone tells me what they want from life but then overindulges in one of these areas listed above. When questioned, they usually respond with an excuse like “it’s been a rough day” “I made these plans to hang out over a week ago” or “I just need some time for myself” yet will happily sacrifice social or family time to work a double shift or work a public holiday instead of being with friends and family.
This is usually because the reward is closer to the action and it’s what they have grown accustomed to and are comfortable with.

Also, categorizing a goal as a dream for me is the wrong outlook, a dream means you have to be asleep to experience it, and when you wake it’s no longer present. A dream is by definition unobtainable.
This puts up a subconscious roadblock in people’s minds that even if they work for it, it’s not meant for them, or it’s not a reality. Therefore, keeping them from even starting due to the subconscious pending thought of failure and only keeping it in the “how things could have been” basket rather than “at least I tried” or eventually finding success.
The drive a person needs to be successful is in all honesty the hardest yet single most important characteristic that a person wanting to be successful can have. If you’re driven and committed to seeing your life change, your income improves and your status grows. Then you need to be committed to your fullest to seeing it through.
The drive is often confused for momentum which can be true, however, momentum is built on detailed rituals, streamlined processes, and step-by-step strategy where as if you have none of that you need drive to keep you focused on seeking those out and systemizing those tools for yourself eventually.
So having drive is one of, if not the most important skill you can instill into your life. Because with it, the rest will eventually fall into place. Because you’re driven to keep going.