Personal development coach & mentor

Find direction & Clarity with
We sometimes find ourselves lost without a path or stuck in a rut with no way out. Our choice of options feel limited and confined to the single path we’re on. However, just stepping back to noticing the options available can make a difference and below are just some ways I help with personal development.
Being aware of yourself and the impact you bring to your surroundings is a strength that is often ignored
Strategic Goal Setting
Attacking your goal one bite at a time via mind mapping and realistic time frames and practical strategy
Remove Limiting Beliefs
Eliminating the beliefs that say "you cant" and "you shouldn't" so you can move freely into the future
Improving Your Mindset
Aligning your thoughts to your goals and your actions to your thoughts so you get pulled in the right direction
Find Your Purpose
Using your passions and fears to navigate to and build an action plan to finding what drives you
Modeling Success
Learning how to formulate a guide from those that have already made it so you can speed up your success
Looking For Support In Something Else?
If you’re interested in learning more, you can check out these other areas
that James can help to coach and mentor you in.