Personal development coach & mentor

Find direction & Clarity with
Second guessing “1st encounters” or making decisions based on “gut feelings” is not your only choice. I can help you read situations, predict outcomes and make confident decisions within a large variety of social interactions! I can mentor you with developing your social confidence within dating, relationships, friendships, family and work. Below are some areas I can help you.
Dating & Social Coaching
Attracting people, holding attention and avoiding repulsion is a skill set that can be learned and implemented
Self Presentation
Your visual appearance to the words you choose while talking can either work for you or against you
Building Self-Confidence
Confidence comes from understanding your current situation. If you're good at something, your confident
Improving Observation
Interpretation of your observations is a massive key to your success in work and pleasure that is a must to learn.
Body Language
Reading people is a skill with huge benefits to the development of personal and professional relations
Reactions & Responding
Coupled with awareness. Keeping your emotions in check when responding can help develop relationships
Looking For Support In Something Else?
If you’re interested in learning more, you can check out these other areas
that James can help to coach and mentor you in.